Tag Archives: Experimental rock mechanics & petrology

Doctors pretending to be Doctors

Authored by Quinn Wenning. From the title, one might expect this article to be about fraudulent doctors posing as the real thing in order to steal money from unsuspecting patients. No, this isn’t ETH’s version of Catch Me If You Can. In this instance, it’s “rock doctors” working with medical doctors to image fracture displacement and fluid flow in …

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Re-creating Upper Mantle Conditions in the Lab: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

Authored by Pamela Speciale. I just returned from the Rock Deformation Lab at Brown University, where I’ve been searching for evidence of how microstructure development (i.e., grain size, grain boundary morphology) contributes to strain localization, which is essential for the maintenance of plate tectonics. We can learn a lot about strain localization by observing rock formations in the field, but

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